module greed.exploration_techniques.dfs

class DFS

This Exploration technique implements a Classic Depth-First Search exploration


  • deferred_stash: the name of the stash where deferred states are put

method __init__


method check_stashes

check_stashes(simgr, stashes, stash='active')

If multiple states are in the active stash, move all but the oldest to the deferred stash.


  • simgr: the simulation manager
  • stashes: the stashes
  • stash: the name of the stash to check

method is_complete

is_complete(simgr, stash='active')

Check if the exploration is complete: there are no active states, and no deferred states.


  • simgr: the simulation manager
  • stash: the name of the stash to check

method setup


Setup the technique.


  • simgr: the simulation manager

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