module greed.sha3

class Sha3

This class represents the memory used as a input buffer for the SHA3 operation. (SHA3 needs to be of type LambdaMemory to allow the (bounded) comparison between two SHA(s) (see ca. line 50))

method __init__

__init__(state=None, memory=None, start=None, size=None, partial_init=False)


  • state: The SimState that triggers the SHA3 operation
  • memory: The memory associated to the SimState
  • start: The start of the input buffer for the SHA3 operation
  • size: The size of the input buffer for the SHA3 operation
  • partial_init: Whether to partially initialize the object or not

property constraints

Get the constraints of the memory.

Returns: the constraints

property layer_level

How many layers of lambda constraints are there?

Returns: the number of layers

method copy


Deep copy of the object.


  • new_state: The new state

method instantiate_ackermann_constraints


This method instantiates the Ackermann constraints between the two SHA(s).


  • other: The other SHA3 object

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