module greed.state_plugins.globals

class SimStateGlobals

A plugin that allows for global variables to be stored in the state. This will act like a dictionary.

method __init__


method copy


Get a deep-copy of this plugin.

method get

get(k, alt=None)

Get the value of a global variable, or return an alternative value.


  • k: The name of the global variable.
  • alt: The alternative value to return if the global variable does not exist.

method items


Get the names and values of all global variables.

method keys


Get the names of all global variables.

method pop

pop(k, alt=None)

Get the value of a global variable, and remove it from the state.


  • k: The name of the global variable.
  • alt: The alternative value to return if the global variable does not exist.

method values


Get the values of all global variables.

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