module greed.state_plugins.inspect

Global Variables


class SimStateInspect

A plugin that allows for breakpoints to be set on statements.

method __init__

__init__(breakpoints_stmt_ids=None, breakpoints_stmt=None)

method copy


Deep copy this state plugin.

method stop_at_stmt

stop_at_stmt(stmt_name=None, func=None, when=0)

Stop at a statement with a given name (e.g., CALL)


  • stmt_name: The name of the statement to stop at.
  • func: The function to call when the breakpoint is hit (default: ipdb.set_trace())
  • when: Whether to stop before or after the statement.

method stop_at_stmt_id

stop_at_stmt_id(stmt_id=None, func=None, when=0)

Stop at a statement with a given ID (i.e., PC)


  • stmt_id: The ID of the statement to stop at.
  • func: The function to call when the breakpoint is hit.
  • when: Whether to stop before or after the statement.

The default function if none is provided is: ''' def justStop(simgr, state): log.warning("💥 Triggered breakpoint at {}".format(state.pc)) import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() '''

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