module greed.state_plugins.solver

class SimStateSolver

A plugin that allows for constraints to be added to the state and unified access to the solver backend.

method __init__


property constraints

property frame

property memory_constraints

property path_constraints

property timed_out

method add_memory_constraint


Add a memory constraint to the state (at the current frame level).


  • constraint: The constraint to add.

method add_path_constraint


Add a path constraint to the state (at the current frame level).


  • constraint: The constraint to add.

method are_formulas_sat

are_formulas_sat(terms)  bool

Check if a list of formulas is satisfiable given the current state of the solver.


  • terms: The list of formulas to check.

method constraints_at


Returns the constraints at a specific frame or all the constraints if frame is None.


  • frame: The frame level in the solver to check.

method copy

copy()  SimStateSolver

Deep copy this state plugin.

method dispose_context


Dispose the solver context.

method eval

eval(term, raw=False)

Evaluate a term.


  • term: The term to evaluate.
  • raw: If True, return the raw value of the term.

Returns: The evaluated term.

method eval_memory

eval_memory(memory, length, raw=False)

Evaluate a memory region in the memory.


  • memory: The memory region to evaluate.
  • length: The length of the memory region to evaluate.
  • raw: If True, return the raw value of the memory region.

Returns: The evaluated memory region.


  • AssertionError: If the length is not concrete.

method eval_memory_at

eval_memory_at(array, offset, length, raw=False)

Evaluate a portion of a memory region starting at a given offset.


  • array: The memory region to evaluate.
  • offset: The offset to start evaluating from.
  • length: The length of the memory region to evaluate.
  • raw: If True, return the raw value of the memory region.

Returns: The evaluated memory region.


  • AssertionError: If the offset or the length is not concrete.

method is_concrete

is_concrete(term)  bool

Check if a term is concrete.

method is_formula_false

is_formula_false(formula)  bool

Check if a formula is false given the current state of the solver.


  • formula: The formula to check.

method is_formula_sat

is_formula_sat(formula)  bool

Check if a formula is satisfiable given the current state of the solver.


  • formula: The formula to check.

method is_formula_true

is_formula_true(formula)  bool

Check if a formula is true given the current state of the solver.


  • formula: The formula to check.

method is_formula_unsat

is_formula_unsat(formula)  bool

Check if a formula is unsatisfiable given the current state of the solver.


  • formula: The formula to check.

method is_sat

is_sat()  bool

Check if the solver is in a satisfiable state.

method is_unsat

is_unsat()  bool

Check if the solver is in an unsatisfiable state.

method memory_constraints_at


Returns the memory constraints at a specific frame. If frame is None, returns ALL the currently active memory constraints.


  • frame: The frame level in the solver to check.

method path_constraints_at

path_constraints_at(frame: int = None)

Returns the path constraints at a specific frame. If frame is None, returns ALL the currently active path constraints.


  • frame: The frame level in the solver to check.

method pop

pop()  int

Pop a frame from the solver stack.

method pop_all


Pop all the frames from the solver stack.

method push

push()  int

Push a new frame on the solver stack.

method simplify


Simplify registers by replacing them with their concrete values if possible.

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