🕹️ Options

greed supports many options to tweak the behavior of symbolic execution.

Global Options

These options are global and impact all the states generated during symbolic execution:

Option Name Default Description
WEB3_PROVIDER Web3 provider URI. Used when initializing the partial concrete storage.
LAZY_SOLVES False Indicates whether to check for satisfiability at every fork, affecting exploration speed and state pruning.
GREEDY_SHA False Specifies whether to calculate SHA3 for concrete or single-solution buffers, potentially impacting exploration speed.
SIMGRVIZ False Activates the creation of a graph visualizing the exploration (the SimgrViz Exploration Technique must also be installed)
MAX_CALLDATA_SIZE 256 Default CALLDATASIZE considered, can be overwritten by the entry_state constructor.
MATH_CONCRETIZE_SYMBOLIC_EXP_EXP False Specifies whether to concretize the exponent of an EXP instruction.
MATH_CONCRETIZE_SYMBOLIC_EXP_BASE False Specifies whether to concretize the base of an EXP instruction.
MATH_MULTIPLY_EXP_THRESHOLD 10 Maximum supported nested multiplications when encountering a symbolic base with a concrete exponent.
OPTIMISTIC_CALL_RESULTS False Indicates whether always to consider CALLS succeeded.
DEFAULT_EXTCODESIZE False Specifies whether to use a default constant value for EXTCODESIZE.
DEFAULT_CREATE_RESULT_ADDRESS False Specifies whether to use a default constant address when using the CREATE opcode.
DEFAULT_CREATE2_RESULT_ADDRESS False Specifies whether to use a default constant address when using the CREATE2 opcode.
STATE_STOP_AT_ADDCONSTRAINT False Indicates whether to drop a debugging interface whenever a constraint is added to the state.
MAX_SHA_SIZE 512 Maximum considered size for the SHA3 input buffer.
SOLVER "YICES2" Default solver (Yices2).
SOLVER_TIMEOUT Inf. Timeout setting for the solver.

State Options

These options can be activated/deactivated per single state:

Option Name Default Description
STATE_INSPECT False Activates debugging capabilities through the SimStateInspect plugin (i.e., breakpoints).