⚡️ Quick Start

Installing from Source


⭐️ We strongly suggest using a python virtual environment rather than installing greed globally. Doing so reduces dependency conflicts and aids in reproducibility while debugging. Some popular tools that accomplish this include virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper.

git clone git@github.com:ucsb-seclab/greed.git
mkvirtualenv greed
workon greed
cd greed


First, the contract needs to be pre-processed with gigahorse. This can be done in two ways:

# Create a new folder. The analyses will pollute the current working directory
mkdir /tmp/test_contract
cd /tmp/test_contract/

# OPTION 1: From the solidity source
cp <contract_source> contract.sol
analyze_source.sh contract.sol

# OPTION 2: From the contract bytecode
cp <contract_bytecode> contract.hex
analyze_hex.sh contract.hex

You can find the scripts analyze_source.sh and analyze_hex.sh in /greed/resources.

Then, to use greed in your python project:

from greed import Project

p = Project(target_dir="/tmp/test_contract/")

entry_state = p.factory.entry_state(xid=0)
simgr = p.factory.simgr(entry_state=entry_state)

Or to run greed from the command line:

greed /tmp/test_contract [--debug] [--find <address>]

Reporting Bugs 🪳

Please report any bugs through the Issue section on our GitHub! If you can provide a POC for your issue it would greatly speed up the resolution of your problem :)