What is a CVEX?

CVEX is an executable that runs a software exploit and outputs relevant data in the form of network traffic. Each CVEX is packaged in the form of a Docker container, which has the benefit of being convenient and compatible with any operating system. As a result, CVEXes can be run and analyzed by any person curious to understand the workings of a software vulnerability.

How to run a CVEX (simple)

  1. Visit link
  2. Download any compose yaml file
  3. Install docker and ensure you have docker-compose
  4. run docker compose -f <compose-file-name.yml> up
  5. Open localhost:<port> and Voila!

How to run CVEX with access to source code

  1. Pull from the GitHub Container Registry (GHCR):
      a. docker pull ghcr.io/ucsb-seclab/NAME_OF_CONTAINER:TAG   b. for example, docker pull ghcr.io/ucsb-seclab/demo/client:latest
      c. go to the github linked to the CVEX and pull the docker-compose file,
         then run using the command docker compose up
      d. check each container’s README for more details, and for help on ghcr

  2. Or (for v2 only): pull from the Github and run as instructed in the README

Our Mission

We aim to extract more information from each CVE vulnerability by tranforming this…


To something like this


A Collection of our Completed CVEXes

This static HUGO website serves as a database of completed CVEXes. These CVEXes were created by the Team of Professors Kruegel & Vigna, with 4 undergraduate researchers affiliated with UCSB’s Early Research Scholars Program 2023-2024 cohort.

Special thanks to Noah Spahn, Professor Giovanni Vigna, and Professor Christopher Kruegel, and UCSB SecLab.